25th of October 2019 Society6 seems now to be printing their products in Europe as well!! I have noticed this time the delivery only took a week or so the latest!! 30% off today on all home decor, table top and office products!! Society6 parece que ahora está imprimiendo sus productos en Europa también! lo…
Categoría: Sin categoría
The wait was worth it
05th of September of 2019 The wait was worth it… click on the image to land on the page where you can find all sorts of home decor products with both images on it!!. La espera mereció la pena… hacer click en la imagen para llear a una página donde podréis encontrar todo tipo…
Disco Lights
04 September 2019 I used a light painting technique for this photo, well I would say I discovered this technique by accident as I was trying to catch beautiful lights at night. And I love the result. If you like it too you can add this image for anywhere in your house or take…
Magic Waters
26 of August 2019 First Impressions of Santorini…. 360 days ago I finally got there… my wishes definitely came true!! ;D
San Pol de Mar
21st of August 2019 Train tracks by the Mediterranean near Gerona ;D
Greek Island Nostalgy
13 of August 2019 Beautiful and colourful narrow streets of Mykonos
Make a wish
05 August 2019 Sometimes if you wish them hard enough they come true. ;D
The little things…
31st of July 2019 Noticing the little wonders of nature on a short trip from Cordoba to Granada. The sunset over the red hill at the back of this photo is what caught my eye originally, so much so that I even went back on myself for about 15 minutes to appreciate it in full….
It’s Summer Time
24th July 2019 Some more of last year holidays sceneries captured by the beautiful Aegean Sea! 😀 I actually didn’t sit down in those chairs to have breakfast by the seaside, but something in the colour of the chairs and the sea behind makes me feel like as if I were doing it right now…